After being sidelined from high school sport following an accumulation of injuries and numerous failed rehabilitation measures, Seth went on to pursue almost 10 years of university in attempts to better understand and rehabilitate elusive painful physical disorders. Beginning with a Massage Therapy degree, an Associates in Massotherapy, a graduate program in Acupuncture and Herbs, and an additional undergraduate degree in Neuroscience; Seth persisted in studying, reflecting and working with clients presenting myriad of physical distresses. With varied schools, came a number of moves and change of office; Seth has maintained an active, hands-on practice for over 23 years. He's developed multiple continuing education courses in which he teaches abroad through, Precision Neuromuscular Therapy Seminars, based out of Champaign, IL. Seth's favorite type of clients to work with, are one's just like himself at one point, who had fallen through the cracks of standard available medical services and are found to exhibit hallmarks of mechanical pain: that which is augmented by movement, position or load, despite issues potentially not showing up during conventional imaging studies.
In past years he has been heavily involved with community supported agriculture, focusing on small scale rearing of hygienic queen bees and intensive small-scale vegetable farming. Much of which has ceased since pandemic times. In recent years he has run and coached a scholastic chess and archery program where he lives in Milwaukee, WI, with his Wife, children, and pets.